Well, it is that time of year when the Government turns its attention to the youth related problems again in an attempt to appease the growing frustration within communities up and down the country. Or is it that they want to be seen to be doing something to stop any designs on another destructive riot.
Parental classes for everyone - Great idea until we realise that those parents who do not care for their children will never attend these classes.
Lets get rid of ASBO's as they take too long to administer and bring in a new system, which requires 5 people to report an anti-social incident before the police step in and do something about it. Most of the people I speak to who unfortunately have to deal with anti-social behaviour around them daily might ring the Police initially but getting them to commit to a report will be very difficult as they fear intimidation and possible violence against them if they are seen to be standing up to these idiots.
I will give the people in their ivory towers respect for continually finding ways, which on paper sound so promising but in reality will not make much of a difference in the lives of those that really need change to happen.
We know that a majority of young people are good, honest, law abiding citizens who represent their communities well. We also know that it is a minority of young people who for a number of reasons have fallen onto a slippery slope that leads them to become irritants in society.
It gets under my skin, when all I here about are initiatives to enhance the opportunities of the minority and very little to encourage and reward the majority for being nice human beings.
Youth crime costs this country £1.2 billion a year and this figure is going to keep increasing.
I am a great believer that through education and concentrating on the majority, we can and will inspire the minority to appreciate the benefits of changing their habits to become decent, successful human beings.
Young People are our Future is a project that does just this. Designed to educate, inspire and motivate, this project is a cost effective solution to many of the problems young people face today.
Young people are taught some key life skills to increase their understanding of right and wrong, respect, their personal safety, communication skills and how to set and achieve goals.
Numerous clubs / groups within the community work together to provide these young people with a wide spectrum of activities from sport to dance to singing.
Once a young person has been educated in some core values, and inspired by participating in a number of FREE local activities, they are invited to attend an employability course, where they are introduced to CV writing skills, mock interviews, presentation skills.
If we provide this simple to deploy project to thousands of young people, those that full into the minority category will quickly appreciate the benefits of conforming as they will be surrounded by proactive, driven and excited young people. - After most intelligent human being appreciate that positivity creates positivity.
Young People are our Future is not the answer to every youth related problem in society, but it is an important part of the puzzle, which is cost effective and simple to deploy.
Find out more about this project by visiting
or attending a presentation at
Home Retail Group HQ, 489 - 499 Avebury Blvd, CMK
Wednesday 23rd May - 18:00pm
Information on the Life Skills education course can be found at www.lifeskillsforchildren.co.uk
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