For the best part of 20 years, I have been developing and implementing personal safety and development courses for a wide spectrum of clients including the Army and Police personnel, Teachers and young people. Based in Milton Keynes, I together with my team of dedicated instructors have taught over 15,000 local women a personal safety course to tackle the negative affects of domestic violence.
Over the last few years my attention has turned to my biggest project to date:- Life Skills for Children (LSFC)
The Life Skills for Children (LSFC) course is a unique personal safety and development programme designed to educate young people from as young as 5 years in some practical, realistic and very simple skills to increase their safety, improve their communication skills and provide them with a key set of skills to become the best they can be.
The course has been taught to over 5,000 local children and is delivered as an early intervention initiative or for those young people who have in the past or who are currently demonstrating poor behaviour.
An outline of the course modules is below:
- Understanding the affects of anti-social behaviour
- The destructive qualities of our personalities
- Identifying the reasons for my actions - All talk and NO action
- Physical Team building - Ability to work within a team environment (Used within schools to activate kids into sport)
- Positive qualities of your personality
- Life Skills training – Take away the excuses of feeling unsafe
- Awareness Skills - Identifying potentially dangerous situations
- Weapon Avoidance training - How to assess and avoid a weapon confrontation
- No excuse is big enough
- Goal Setting for the future
- Positive Key skills training
- Developing a positive Life plan
- Communication Skills - Ideal for all sport
- Problem solving Skills
Life Skills have recently joined forces with a company called Reactiv8 ( who provide young people who fall under the category of NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) with the right life skills to place them into work placements and ultimately back into the education system so that they do not join the growing list of young people who are costing local communities millions of pounds through anti-social behaviour and worse.
Why the blog?
We have established a great working relationship with some local groups and individuals and as a result we are in the process of putting together a huge anti-bullying / life skills development event which will take place during the national anti-bullying week (14th - 18th November). LSFC will provide demonstrations and FREE workshops to local people at the event. As more and more attention has been given to LSFC due to the impressive results we have been getting with young people, a decision was made to use the event to capture as much local support as possible to approach central Government with the objective of providing a National deployment module.
The event will be a celebration of the great work that is being done in Milton Keynes to assist in the development of our young people.
Jury's Inn situated in CMK has become the first sponsor for the event by providing the location where it will all happen.
Other interested groups in the event include MK Dons who are in a prime position to create awareness through their impressive database of supporters.
An event synopsis is below:
The Event Title: Young People are our Future
Event Date: Monday 14th November (Start of National Anti-Bullying week)
Event Duration: 2 Hours (16:00 - 18:00)
Event Location: Jury's Inn, MK
Main Activities:
FREE Life Skills Development Workshop for Young People
FREE Life Skills Parenting Workshop
FREE Personal Safety Demonstrations
FREE Acting, Dancing, Singing Sessions
Guest Speakers - LSFC / Reactiv8 / Local Groups
Entertainment - Local Music / Comedian etc
Children in Need FUND raising
To provide FREE training and awareness of local initiatives that are providing local young people and their families with realistic tools to tackle bullying and simple personal development skills.
Target Group:
Young People
School Governors
Local Community Groups
Local Kids get FREE training to reduce the chance of them becoming a victim to bullying
Great Awareness and Support development
Great PR for LOCAL schools, groups and individuals
Great Networking Opportunity for local groups and schools
Great Marketing Opportunity for key groups in MK
LSFC, Reactiv8 and the Speakers will provide their support and time at no cost
Marketing the event will be driven through local schools, the council, Jury's Inn, Local Groups and Social Media
What Next ...
The Government is keen to push its Big Society concept through communities with the objective of real people doing great work locally coming together for a
common cause to improve the lives of local people.
We would like to discuss this event with individuals, groups and schools to ascertain the right people to make this event a major success.
Anti-Bullying week concludes on Children in Need day and a major focus for the event is to bring the community together to assist in raising money for local
If you are in a position to:
- Volunteer to support this event
- Assist in the marketing of the event
- Influence lots of people through YOUR school / any group you belong to or social networking
- Throw your voice behind a celebratory event that will highlight some of the good things that are happening locally for young people
- Sponsor this event
Please contact me on 07725 481769 to discuss this event further.
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