Monday, 12 December 2011

Training to beat Bullying: NEW web site launched for Young People project in ...

Training to beat Bullying: NEW web site launched for Young People project in ...: After the success of the Young People are our Future event held on Monday 14th November to raise money for Children in Need, Life Skills for...

NEW web site launched for Young People project in MK

After the success of the Young People are our Future event held on Monday 14th November to raise money for Children in Need, Life Skills for Children and 3rd Lens productions have joined forces to empower 25,000 local youngsters through a 12 month community project that will see them educated in some valuable life skills and inspired to learn some new skills through the medium of filmography. Once these new skills are developed they will be given the opportunity to extend their creative side and produce exciting video projects on local activities and hobbies.

The Young People are our Future project will utilise the skills and experience of the best service providers in Milton Keynes to enable young people to tap into every opportunity available to them with the singular objective of increasing their confidence and their belief system so that they understand anything is possible with a positive mindset.

Young people are given so much negative press and in many cases for the wrong reasons. To combat this negative attention many young people use excuses such as there is nothing to do except hang around on the streets. I do have to question in an age where there are a million TV channels, hundreds of different gaming systems and online activities to do, why do young people find it difficult to find things to do?. Maybe the old saying of "less is more" is relevant in today's communities.

Working with young people every day gives you a clear and quite scary insight into the future of communication between human beings. The same technology that is entertaining our young is also helping to reduce their positive communication skills which can only be strengthened through human interaction and the use of the voice in real conversation.

I unfortunately meet youngsters daily who's command of the english language is so poor because they very rarely use it. Texting has become the new spoken word and facebook the new way to express feelings. We have a growing number of keyboard warriors who would not dream of saying some of the things they put on facebook in a face to face conversation.

It is not my objective to be seen to be blaming the gaming industry for the hypnotic influence these games have on many young people. It is clearly an issue for the parents and those young people themselves to address, however when we have an army of young people who express their creative side by playing games in which they take pleasure in killing anything that moves, it is no wonder so many young people find it difficult to distinguish the difference between fantasy and reality.

The Young People are our Future project is designed to provide young people with a traditional and very effective alternative set of activities that will provide them with some real life skills to improve their chances of becoming the best they can be.

They will improve those essential communication skills through real human interactivity and conversations as well as learn how to create the side of their personality which promotes and produces positive powerful messages through the medium of video.

What's more, the project will see 25,000 young people given the opportunity to participate in activities that will stop them roaming the streets bored and will take away the temptation for them to get involved within anti-social behaviour.

As a community project, Life Skills for Children and 3rd Lens productions are keen to involve local community groups, sports clubs, companies, schools, parents and of course young people so that we can achieve some wonderfully positive results.

Details of the project and how to get involved can be found at 

For details on Life Skills for Children click here
For details on 3rd Lens productions click here

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Training to beat Bullying: Children in Need event at Jury’s Inn is a...

Training to beat Bullying:
Children in Need event at Jury’s Inn is a...
: Children in Need event at Jury’s Inn is a great SUCCESS On Monday 14th November Jury’s Inn hosted the Young People are our Future ...

Children in Need event at Jury’s Inn is a great SUCCESS

On Monday 14th November Jury’s Inn hosted the Young People are our Future event to celebrate the wonderful opportunities young people have in Milton Keynes and to raise money for Children in Need.

A packed conference room experienced two hours of high energy fun where young people learnt some valuable life skills to increase the confidence and personal safety.

The event included a singing workshop from local singing coach Jo Tinker who had the whole room belting out a classic from the legendary Michael Jackson.
Rosa and her Zumba team had everyone on their feet dancing and demonstrating that positive body lanuage and confidence can be gained whilst having a great time.

There was a very successful Life Skills for Children workshop, where young people were taught some very important skills to increase their personal safety and reduce the chance of them becoming a victim to bullying. Important as Monday 14th November was the start of National Anti-Bullying Week.

Local groups including MK Lions, the Big Bake, World Vision and Crimestoppers were present as well as the TV cameras who captured every dance move and smile.

The event organisers from Life Skills for Children and Reactiv8 said “The event was a huge success as we clearly demonstrated that young people can learn some important life skills whilst having FUN. It was amazing to see so many adults participate alongside their children as it made the event a great occasion”. 
"The army of volunteers who came from the Home Retail Group, local clubs and organisations demonstrated that with the right support we can make a positive difference to the lives of thousands of local young people"

A fantastic £450 was raised on the night for Children in need from bucket collections and cake sales . This figure will rise on Friday as the same event is being run in Bedford where the FUN starts again.

Friday 18th November - Bedford School - De Pary’s Avenue, Bedford

Pictures from the event can be found at:

A video of the event will be posted on the Life Skills web site shortly

The organisers of the event believe we have the skills and experience locally to make a real difference in the lives of our young people and in Life Skills for Children we have the solution to many of the youth related problems we face in this country. To find out more about Life Skills for Children and Reactiv8, please visit: / 
Gary Payne

Friday, 7 October 2011

Young People are our Future 2011 - event milton keynes

Looking at the society we live in today we have to wonder what sort of children are we raising. Proliferation of drugs, under age smoking, drinking, graffiti, kids being bullied in school etc, etc. How is it coming to this?
If you look at it logically, it is no surprise that our children are coming off the rails. In many families and schools the basics of respect of yourself and for others, and self-discipline are either non-existent or are buried under the fast food instant gratification lifestyle we are exposed to.
Let’s face it, as a kid you are told what to do, how to do it, and when. No-one has the time to deal with our kids issues. As parents we often don’t have the time to spend really teaching our kids the life-skills they need. At school, teachers are wading waist deep in bureaucracy and state imposed politically correct standards that leave them without the time or clout to pass on the pearls of knowledge that could have a real, lasting impact on the children.
‘Leaders are not born they are created’.
Whilst it is important to understand your reading, writing, and maths, isn’t it just as important, if not more so today, to understand the difference between right and wrong? To understand how to take care of yourself physically, and mentally, to understand the benefits of good health and fitness, to know how to set goals and go after them so that you do not just spend your life shunting from a poor school career to an unfulfilled working life, to an early grave.
Hundreds of local young people recently participated in a very successful pilot of a life skills course delivered through schools and local community centres.
Life-Skills For Children teaches children through allowing them to experience scenarios and activities which will naturally call on and develop such skills as: - vision, confidence, motivation, communication, passion, persistence, action, charisma, creativity, strategy, courage and trust. They find out the importance of setting their own goals and, perhaps, most importantly of all they find out WHY these things are important. Give a child a big enough WHY and they will walk through walls to achieve it.
To celebrate the wonderful opportunities young people have in and around Milton Keynes, Life Skills for Children are running a large event at the Jury’s Inn hotel on Monday 14th November 2011.
The event will include dance, singing and life skills personal safety workshops, a mini auction to raise money for Children in Need and a fantastic competition in which young people will be asked to create inspiring posters to tackle bullying.
Imagine 500 young people and their families participating in a massive group sing-a-long and dance to raise money for charity. All of this and they will learn some valuable life skills to combat bullying and increase their confidence, said Life Skills for Children founder Gary Payne”.
Parents, schools, local groups and companies are being asked to support the event as working together will enable local young people to become the best they can be.
For further information on the event and to download an event poster, please visit  
Life Skills for Children
Gary Payne - Founder & Believer
T: 0845 370 0015
M: 07725 481769

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Young People are our Future 2011

For the best part of 20 years, I have been developing and implementing personal safety and development courses for a wide spectrum of clients including the Army and Police personnel, Teachers and young people. Based in Milton Keynes, I together with my team of dedicated instructors have taught over 15,000 local women a personal safety course to tackle the negative affects of domestic violence.

Over the last few years my attention has turned to my biggest project to date:- Life Skills for Children (LSFC)

The Life Skills for Children (LSFC) course is a unique personal safety and development programme designed to educate young people from as young as 5 years in some practical, realistic and very simple skills to increase their safety, improve their communication skills and provide them with a key set of skills to become the best they can be.

The course has been taught to over 5,000 local children and is delivered as an early intervention initiative or for those young people who have in the past or who are currently demonstrating poor behaviour.

An outline of the course modules is below:
  • Understanding the affects of anti-social behaviour
  • The destructive qualities of our personalities
  • Identifying the reasons for my actions - All talk and NO action
  • Physical Team building - Ability to work within a team environment (Used within schools to activate kids into sport)
  • Positive qualities of your personality
  • Life Skills training – Take away the excuses of feeling unsafe
  • Awareness Skills - Identifying potentially dangerous situations
  • Weapon Avoidance training - How to assess and avoid a weapon confrontation
  • No excuse is big enough
  • Goal Setting for the future
  • Positive Key skills training
  • Developing a positive Life plan
  • Communication Skills - Ideal for all sport
  • Problem solving Skills                                                                                                                                                                                  
Life Skills have recently joined forces with a company called Reactiv8 ( who provide young people who fall under the category of NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) with the right life skills to place them into work placements and ultimately back into the education system so that they do not join the growing list of young people who are costing local communities millions of pounds through anti-social behaviour and worse.

Why the blog?

We have established a great working relationship with some local groups and individuals and as a result we are in the process of putting together a huge anti-bullying / life skills development event which will take place during the national anti-bullying week (14th - 18th November). LSFC will provide demonstrations and FREE workshops to local people at the event. As more and more attention has been given to LSFC due to the impressive results we have been getting with young people, a decision was made to use the event to capture as much local support as possible to approach central Government with the objective of providing a National deployment module.

The event will be a celebration of the great work that is being done in Milton Keynes to assist in the development of our young people. 
Jury's Inn situated in CMK has become the first sponsor for the event by providing the location where it will all happen.

Other interested groups in the event include MK Dons who are in a prime position to create awareness through their impressive database of supporters.

An event synopsis is below:

The Event Title:    Young People are our Future 
Event Date:         Monday 14th November (Start of National Anti-Bullying week)
Event Duration:    2 Hours (16:00 - 18:00)
Event Location:    Jury's Inn, MK

Main Activities:   

FREE Life Skills Development Workshop for Young People
FREE Life Skills Parenting Workshop
FREE Personal Safety Demonstrations
FREE Acting, Dancing, Singing Sessions
Guest Speakers - LSFC / Reactiv8 / Local Groups 
Entertainment - Local Music / Comedian etc
Children in Need FUND raising


To provide FREE training and awareness of local initiatives that are providing local young people and their families with realistic tools to tackle bullying and simple personal development skills.

Target Group:   

Young People
School Governors
Local Community Groups


Local Kids get FREE training to reduce the chance of them becoming a victim to bullying
Great Awareness and Support development 
Great PR for LOCAL schools, groups and individuals 
Great Networking Opportunity for local groups and schools
Great Marketing Opportunity for key groups in MK


LSFC, Reactiv8 and the Speakers will provide their support and time at no cost
Marketing the event will be driven through local schools, the council, Jury's Inn, Local Groups and Social Media

What Next ...
The Government is keen to push its Big Society concept through communities with the objective of real people doing great work locally coming together for a 
common cause to improve the lives of local people. 

We would like to discuss this event with individuals, groups and schools to ascertain the right people to make this event a major success.
Anti-Bullying week concludes on Children in Need day and a major focus for the event is to bring the community together to assist in raising money for local 

If you are in a position to:

- Volunteer to support this event
- Assist in the marketing of the event
- Influence lots of people through YOUR school / any group you belong to or social networking   
- Throw your voice behind a celebratory event that will highlight some of the good things that are happening locally for young people 
- Sponsor this event 

Please contact me on 07725 481769 to discuss this event further.

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Training to beat Bullying: Inspiring Children with a Vision

Training to beat Bullying: Inspiring Children with a Vision: Several weeks ago I attended a secondary school and was inspired to put fingers on the keyboard to create this article. In my quest...

Inspiring Children with a Vision

Several weeks ago I attended a secondary school and was inspired to put fingers on the keyboard to create this article.
In my quest to deploy the Life Skills for Children course to as many young people as I can, I regularly meet teachers and their assistants that evoke a wide range of emotions from me. Unfortunately, most of these emotions are negative.
I am constantly questioning the reasons why some people have chosen the teaching profession to earn their living. 
As I entered the classroom to greet the group of young people that sat before me, I was pulled to one side and introduced to a teacher who would be assisting me in the delivery of the curriculum.
I paused for a moment to digest her name (Michelle) and then my brain started to work at pace to ascertain how I was going to adjust the Life Skills curriculum accordingly to accommodate an additional teacher who to my knowledge had no prior experience of the course content.
Upon asking Michelle if she had experienced any of the course material before, she gently smiled and replied in one word “No”
She then went onto explain that that group of young people in front of us both had all been assigned to her over the coming term and she was determined to create a positive relationship with them. 
What a breadth of fresh air. A teacher that realised that the most important ingredient to educating young people was to establish the right relationship from the start.
A little confused and only half convinced her statement was heartfelt, I proceeded to start the lesson and introduce my new colleague.
I decided to provide a platform for Michelle to speak about herself so that she could create the groups first impression.
I remember the exact words she used because silence fell across the classroom when they came out of her mouth.
Good morning, Over the next few sessions I am going to get to know you, enjoy your company and together we are going to create a vision of your future that we both can work towards.”
One of the more vocal students amongst the group felt the need to utter some immature comments towards the front of the classroom. Before I could respond, Michelle had absorbed the comments, smiled and dissolved the negativity of what was said by going and sitting right next to him. 

Without confrontation, his comments had backfired as the rest of the group laughed in support of Michelle’s actions. 
At this point of the article it is relevant to note that the group of students within the course had all been identified as having serious behaviour issues which in many cases was likely to lead to permanent exclusion.
In light of this, Michelle had drawn the first of many victories I witnessed in just 4 hours of working together.
The curriculum for the first lesson involved getting the group to identify the reasons why they so disliked school and felt the need to be so disruptive.
This particular lesson within the course is normally a little hit and miss. It is not unusual to get a large percentage of the group refusing to participate in any of the written drills or open discussions. After all why would they want to expose the reasons for their negative behaviour when solutions might be found to stop giving them the excuses to carry on creating havoc.
As the lesson developed and several members of the group attempted to disrupt the class with silly comments, Michelle took the opportunity to build a better rapport with the group.
Without warning and breaking the lesson curriculum, Michelle decided to inform the group of details about her child hood, schools experiences, likes and dislikes and the poor qualifications she received in her final year of education.
The group was shell shocked and sat mouths open, eyes fixed as Michelle created an image in their minds of this out of control girl who thought school was boring and teachers hated her. 
She went onto say how her attitude at the time influenced the people she went around with outside of school and how smoking and drinking was something she regularly did on school premises.
You could see the group of students in front of her being taken on a roller coaster ride of emotion as many of them related to her experiences. Over the 15 minutes that followed, members of the group would ask questions to clarify in their minds what Michelle was saying. 
The tension and mild hostility that many members of the group had previously shown Michelle and to be fare show most of the other teachers was dissolving in front of me.
You could physically see the barriers many of the students have placed around them lifting for just enough time for them to be influenced by a vision.
By the time Michelle had finished painting a picture of her younger years, the group had moved onto more relevant questions such as “Why are you a teacher, if you hated school?” 
Michelle had the groups attention and used the small window of opportunity she had developed to install what changed her and how she developed a vision for her future.
She went on “Despite numerous people telling me to concentrate at school, be respectful and listen to your teachers, the moment that changed me was when the kids I used to hang around with who were much older than me had left school with no qualifications and spent every day out of work, drinking and smoking”.
I realised when speaking to them that their lives were seriously boring and they had nothing to look forward to. Some of them were getting into trouble with the Police and life was pretty rubbish.”
Michelle then acknowledged that she had no reasons for behaving the way she did, She came from a loving family, was given everything she wanted. She just thought she could get away with being bad.
I remember a couple of the group members looking at each other almost accepting that they to had no real reason for their poor behaviour. 
In just a few minutes, Michelle had entered the lives of this disruptive group of young people, acknowledged their poor behaviour, identified with them and gained an important window of opportunity to install a very powerful message.
One of the group members, a young girl named Sophie asked without doubt the most important question of the lesson. “What is this Vision you keep talking about?”
Michelle took this opportunity to tell the group that she had to return to college to improve her grades and in the process met a teacher that inspired her with vision.
He asked her to list down all of the wonderful things in life that she wanted to achieve, or visit or do. With a little help and nudging, Michelle said she had developed a long list of goals, which excited her and gave her a good reason to study and behave properly.
Michelle shared some of her goals list with the group and in the process collated their opinions and dreams to start creating their own list. 
Upon being asked why she became a teacher, she replied “up until the day when I met the teacher who taught me how to create my vision of my future I was lost. He made my life make sense, and I want to do the same for somebody else”
Needless to say the scheduled curriculum for the lesson was put back to the follow day, but what I witnessed in a short period of time was the secret to teaching.
Every day of my life I talk about the importance of building rapport with students in order to create the right learning atmosphere. Michelle had taken a hardened group, excepted their current mind set and approach to life, demonstrated that she was once in their shoes and more importantly demonstrated how one moment of inspiration changed her life. 
The remainder of the Life Skills for Children course was full of as many ups and downs as every other delivery, however the relationship with Michelle was great and with a consistent approach to creating the right vision the outcome of the course was very successful.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Power of the People

First it was Egypt and then over the next few months several countries followed in their foot steps. All around the world we have been reminded that positive change can be initiated by the people. 
  • Politicians change their opinions to suit the people who elect them
  • Community leaders are driven by the thoughts and attitudes of the people they serve
  • Companies are motivated by the responses from their customers
Many of the significant world changing moments in history have been inspired, motivated and driven by huge groups of people supporting a set of common values and beliefs.
Even dictators such as Gaddafi have succumb to the power of the people’s wishes over the last few months.
And yet I sit here writing this article pondering the many different issues that we have as a society and wonder why so many of us have the same opinions and yet do nothing about it.
Let me highlight just one issue out of the mountain of issues that are continually discussed daily throughout the media, in social arenas and around the dinner table.
Statistics demonstrate that the youth of this current generation and quite possibly the last one to, have been let down considerably by Government policies which have seriously diluted many of the core values that this country was built upon.
To openly discuss these polices and the negative affect many of them have had on communities across the country will take me of my main focus for this article and will inevitably increase the size of this article substantially.
The way in which we raise children in this country has changed so significantly we have many parents who are not sure what measures they can lawfully take to discipline their children and provide them with a good code of conduct.
One such example is a parent I recently met at a Life Skills boot camp event where I was teaching his child some basic skills around the subjects of respect, social responsibility and positive attitude.
In answer to a simple question I had directed towards him to ascertain his opinion why his child has become this out of control, angry and abusive individual, I was greeted with the uneducated response “What can I do. If I smack him I am breaking the law and if I don’t I am being accused of bringing up a bad kid”
Whilst the answer was easy to dismiss as a throw away comment, I have heard this comment enough to suggest we as a society are not providing the adequate education to young people to prepare them for one, growing up as responsible individual and two, understanding the huge responsibility of becoming a parent.
It is important to note that a majority of parents have the singular mission of providing their children with the best opportunities they can, which includes the provision of a good education and the right social skills.
However, we have a growing number of young people that are growing up with insufficient skills to interact positively in society or who are growing up in fear of being bullied as they are not taught any skills as an early intervention process to assist them in identifying and avoiding potentially dangerous situations.
Providing children with some key skills to increase their safety, their ability to work and play positively in social arenas and ultimately increase the opportunity for them to become positive forward thinking members of the community is essential to stopping the growing number of young people that are causing themselves and society so many problems.
Oh, those of you who continually telling me that you are tied of paying for the mistakes of others as you do not have any children yourself. Your right. Why should you continually pay into a system that is failing to provide the youth of today with the right skills to support your investment and make the place in which you live more prosperous.
What makes it worse is that your paying twice. You pay into a system that is providing inadequate skills to the young and then you pay again once these young people fall into crime and anti-social behaviour. Recent figures provided by the House of Commons suggested that the cost of anti-social behaviour in the UK is around 3.4 billion.
So what is the solution. We already established at the beginning of this article that those fortunate enough to be in positions of power are reactive to the opinions of the people.
Waiting for Government policies to be produced to reinstall some of the core values this country has lost will by in large be like waiting for it to snow in the sahara desert. 
Life Skills for Children provide key skills training for young people to learn and appreciate an agreed code of conduct. They learn how to increase their safety, communicate professionally, create positive thinking attitudes and how to identify with the required skills to become confident young people.
Life Skills for Children is just one of many groups that has a realistic solution to what has become a very difficult problem.
I personally have lost faith in politicians and community leaders as I have lived long enough to appreciate the many different ways they use to manipulate their positions to appease the people. 
Promises after promises with very few results.
If the people of countries such as Egypt can stand together to send a message so powerful it creates change, we to should speak as one, stand together and force the change required to help our children and our children’s children.
A majority of parents will tell you that the welfare of their children is paramount and that providing them with everything they require to grow and live a healthy and enjoyable life is all that matters to them.
Whilst this natural emotional response to having children has to be applauded, I have to ask why so many of us sit back and do nothing when something goes horribly wrong with the children of others. 
Whether we have children or not, this problem affects us all and just a small change in the education of our young ones and some parents can benefit us all.
Join the Life Skills for Children group and show your support for change

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

We have the answer to solve the youth related problems within this country

In light of the recent riots and subsequent debates throughout the media about why and how society has got to the point where thousands of people have taken to looting and burning buildings in cities across the country, it is time to provide an important part of the problem solving puzzle. - Life Skills for Children
I am perplexed at the amount of different excuses being thrown into the air as the reason to trigger such destructive behaviour.
Of course there are many reasons for our society to decline to such a low level of social order that we all have to witness such ugly scenes. Previous Government policies, cultural integration, poor education are all very much apart of the problem mountain.
The truth is many of the core principles that made our country great have either disappeared completely or have been so badly diluted in an attempt to appease the growing diverse population that we have lost our way.
Amongst my friends and colleagues are individuals of all colours, religious beliefs, and economical backgrounds. They by in large are all decent human beings who are all equally appalled by the scenes witnessed across the media in the past week.
The answer is EDUCATION. 
So much enthuses has been placed upon literacy and numeracy that we have forgotten the importance of providing young people with an education in social responsibility, respect, positive thinking, presentation skills and professional communication skills.
Another problem within the education industry is that so many of the teachers do not have the required skills to command respect and teach. Teachers will argue that Government policies have made there job virtually impossible to do, however I meet teachers all of the time that have the right personality and skill set to overcome the issues young people bring to the classroom and therefore stroll through each day developing positive relationships with the people they are teaching.
Several years ago I laid down the blueprints of a course for young people to learn some of these core values and at the same time experience some simple and effective ways to increase their personal safety with the objective of reducing the negative effects of bullying.
This course has now been successfully delivered to hundreds of young people from a wide spectrum of social and economical backgrounds. 
The course content includes:
  • Understanding the affects of anti-social behaviour
  • The destructive qualities of our personalities
  • Identifying the reasons for my actions - All talk and NO action
  • Physical Team building - Ability to work within a team environment
  • Positive qualities of your personality
  • Life Skills training – Take away the excuses of feeling unsafe
  • No excuse is big enough
  • Goal Setting for the future
  • Positive Key skills training
  • Developing a positive Life plan
  • Communication Skills
  • Problem solving Skills
Within its pilot phase I together with MAMAA (Mothers against Murder & Aggression) sat in front of ministers including Beverley Hughes, Tony McNulty and Vernon Coaker to discuss a preventative measures educational course that was and is continuing to make a real difference. Of course like most MP’s they are very good at talking and very little else.
To make the required positive changes to our society with have to appreciate that we are dealing with two distinct groups of people. 
  • Young people that are good law abiding citizens
  • Young people that have lost there way 
We have to stop the rotten element of our society and yet at the same time provide a preventative measures approach to the rest of the young community so that we can once again take control and know that the next generation will be educated in some of the core values that this country was once known by.
Life Skills for Children provide a boot camp style educational experience for those young people that have lost there way. This experience is a direct and very effective education in which a strong set of basic messages are presented to young people. 
A softer, friendlier approach is deployed to young people that do not come onto the radar of becoming a nuisance to society. The theory is “To keep good kids good”
Life Skills for Children has even developed and deployed courses for teachers and parents on how to educate, control and build positive relationships with young people.
The Life Skills for Children approach to solving this problem is simple and with the right support can start the process of positive change quickly.
The question is, can we rely on the Government to make the required decisions to support such a basic reform in education. Of course we can’t. Remember most of them just talk and no more.

I believe the power of positive change lies in the hands of the media. The riots clearly demonstrated that young people use every aspect of the media to communicate and therefore we should use the media to educate.
With over 20 years experience developing and deploying training courses like Life Skills for Children, I have created a unique train the trainer system which could role out Nationwide over just a few weeks and months. 
I have the material to make the required changes and I am calling upon the media to assist by working with me to produce some powerful educational media to provide parents, teachers and young people themselves to learn and grow.

Prevention is better than CURE

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Training to beat Bullying: First national survey estimates over 16,000 childr...

Training to beat Bullying: First national survey estimates over 16,000 childr...: "A very interesting read with some alarming facts.... In August 2010 Red Balloon Learner Centre Group commissioned the first national surv..."

First national survey estimates over 16,000 children are absent from school due to severe bullying

A very interesting read with some alarming facts....

In August 2010 Red Balloon Learner Centre Group commissioned the first national survey to ascertain the number of young secondary school children aged between 11 and 15 absent from school because they had been subjected to severe bullying.  The research was undertaken by NatCen, Britain’s largest independent social research organization, and was funded jointly by Red Balloon Learner Centre Group, the Foyle Foundation and the Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA). Its findings are dramatic. 

The report estimates that of the six million young people who are in Years 7 – 10 and who attend a state school bullying is the main reason given for persistent long-term absence in between 13,400 and 19,600 cases. This research is the first of its kind to seek out the number of children self-excluding from school as a result of severe bullying. All previous research about bullying has focused on children within schools.

Questionnaires were sent to two groups of parents whose children were absent from school and whose absence was likely to be due to bullying.  The first involved children who are frequently absent from school, the second those who were home educated.

Commenting on the Report, Dr Carrie Herbert, Founder and Chief Executive, Red Balloon Learner Centre Group said:  “ This research has given a well-founded estimate of how many children are unable to go to school because they have been so badly bullied. We are indebted to the Foyle Foundation and the ABA for enabling us to commission this research, the first of its kind.  We know the Government appreciates the damaging consequences of severe bullying and of children missing education, including the long-term effects of low self-esteem and a poor academic record if these children are not recovered. Red Balloon has an impressive record of enabling the recovery of such children. 95% of the students who come to a Red Balloon Centre and stay longer than six weeks are able to return to school, go on to college or enter employment. However, to ensure this provision is secure Red Balloon needs the Local Authorities and/or the Government to set aside money to fund places at these intensive care educational Centres. ”

David Hall, Chief Executive, Foyle Foundation, added: “As a funder which supports learning, we considered it essential that Red Balloon undertake this important research which was a real gap and which will inform their expansion programme.”

Sue Steel, National Manager of the Anti-Bullying Alliance said: “The ABA welcomes the report commissioned by Red Balloon and hopes the findings will encourage government, schools and the wider community to address this important issue.”

Founded in 1996 by Dr Carrie Herbert, Red Balloon is the only UK charity that specifically recovers severely bullied children who are out of school and missing an education, through the provision of short-term educational, pastoral and social programmes.

The various research projects and independent assessments that have previously been undertaken have helped to clarify the whole bullying picture, from how many children are missing education to why they are bullied and to the best ways of helping them recover from its effects. This valuable quantitative research by National Centre of Social Research will complement the findings of Red Balloon’s own qualitative data collection, which includes interviews with Red Balloon graduates who left at least five years ago.  Independent evaluations from external organisations such as Ofsted help us complete the picture by validating our methods of recovery

Red Balloon, whose Patrons are Esther Rantzen CBE, founder of Childline, Doug Richard, a former ‘dragon’ from BBC Dragons’ Den and Professor Peter Smith, author, academic and expert on bullying, currently has four Centres operating in the UK as well as a virtual “Red Balloon of the Air”. Red Balloon works with Local Authorities, schools, parents and teachers to help severely bullied children, half of whom have considered or attempted suicide, to recover from the effects of their experiences.
Each Red Balloon Learner Centre provides a safe full-time learning environment for fifteen children aged between 11 and 17. The amount of time needed for students to recover varies from four weeks to three years. To date more than 170 of our students have been able to return to mainstream education or enter employment. With distraught parents of bullied children contacting us on a regular basis we have ambitious plans for growth.